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Air Fryer Demonstration 

Second Monday of the month. 
Wine & Dine Taster Session at the end of the demonstration - suggested donation per person, £5

These sessions are very popular - Please BOOK HERE

Community Breakfast

Monthly Community Breakfast (not August) -  Booking Essential
Come along to a monthly Community Breakfast held on the second Thursday of the month.  We have a range of tasty breakfast items and as much tea and coffee as you like.  Meet up with friends, old and new and find out about all the other activities that are held at the hall.

There is no price listYour generous donations support the cost of hall hire and provisions.
To Book Email: or BOOK HERE

Little Hadham Gardening Club 

Tuesday 14th May 2024 - 7.45pm for 8.00pm

A talk with Ed Fairly on NGS Gardens

Entry: Members Free / Non members £5 - Pay on the door - Booking not required.
Refreshments included
Raffle tickets available to purchase

Little Hadham Gardening Club
Saturday 18th May 2024 -
 From 9.30am 

Plant Sale & Coffee Morning

With Bric a Brac and Book Sale

Little Hadham Gardening Club  

Autumn Show Sunday 1st September 2024

Get involved and take part in the Gardening Clubs Annual Show. 
Open to the public from 2.30pm
Prize giving at 3.15pm

For an entry form and more details on the Autumn Show and Events click link:

Little Hadham Gardening Club

Tuesday 15th October - 7.45pm for 8.00pm

A talk by Roger Hance
Attracting Birds & Other Wildlife to your Garden

Entry: Members Free / Non members £5 - Pay on the door - Booking not required.
Refreshments included
Raffle tickets available to purchase
Powered by LemonBooking
Village hall booking system